Today - Design Exhibition & Continuing the conversation
I had a great time at the college design exhibition. The interaction quality : quantity ratio was just right. Not a lot of people stopped by, but the one’s who did made it all worth it. I think this is a pattern anyone in wearables can anticipate over their career; a special field with special people.
I’m thinking now about how much I want to keep the conversation going with everyone I met. People who practically work right next door, but I actually never run into. Great people I’d go out of my way to help, and they might think the same of me.
I’m tempted to think of ways a personal website can help and whether comments on blogs would help foster async communication, but no one wants to visit a blog or even subscribe to an RSS. What you might do instead is try to build proximity with these people. Proximity is the thing that build connections. What kind of daily patterns can I create that might help me build connections with others in the college?
What if you made an in-person group for people around humane wearable futures. Is humane and wearable redundant? Does humane sound too much like the company
I think the group is for people who care about wearables and using tech in the apparel sort of way.
Post-its in my physical environment have been on of the best ways for organizing my goals and thoughts. I’ve gone through phases where those have collapsed back on to my Mac, usually around moves. I think I should return to this.
Back to the group, I think you should enable async communication and touch points as much as possible, but the entree is in-person.
What would a session look like?
- Workshops
- Friendly Wearable ML
- Read a paper; discuss in small groups
- I’d like this a lot!
- This is something you could do on weeks when you feel to busy to put on a session.
- make a group for I didn’t read, and I just want to talk about it. lol.
- Wear-a-thing. Share your experience.
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